

River Assessment Field Guide

Author: Dave Rosgen
Illustrator: Hilton Lee Silvey
Technical Editor: Darcie Frantila Geenen
Third Edition

  • 318 pages, 200+ pictures/figures, 40+forms/worksheets
  • includes worksheets in Excel format and field forms in PDF format (available to download following purchase)
  • includes the latest tools and techniques to implement a quantitative and comparative river assessment


Field Forms & Worksheets

companion to River Assessment Field Guide (third edition)

224 grayscale pages with tab dividers

about the Field Forms & Worksheets:

  • contains forms and worksheets for two reaches
  • field forms include cross-section, longitudinal profile, pebble count, and bar sample forms
  • worksheets include all level 1 through level 4 assessment worksheets (e.g., riparian vegetation, meander pattern, Pfankuch stability rating)
  • contains reference figures, including hydraulic relationships, bank erosion rate curves, and shear stress–grain diameter relationship

The River Field Book

River Field Book

Contains 186 rule-column and grid pages, along with 65 pages of reference data and field forms to collect morphological data.

The Reference Reach Field Book

Reference Reach Field Book

Contains six reach dataset forms and two gage station dataset forms to collect morphological data and to classify stream types.

Applied River Morphology

Applied River Morphology

"This book is a generous and detailed explanation of the classification system and how it might be used to incorporate the observed processes of river mechanics into restoration designs that enhance the beauty and health of channels.”  - Luna B. Leopold

Stream Reach Notebook

Stream Reach Notebook

Contains 17 rule-column and grid pages, along with reference data and field forms to collect morphological data for an individual reach.


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