Trail Creek Watershed, Colorado, 2010 – 2013

Assessed, designed, and began implementation of a master watershed and river restoration plan to reduce the accelerated sediment yields following the Hayman Wildfire in 2002 for the entire 16 mi2 watershed. Coordinated with Federal agencies and the Coalition for the Upper South Platte. An individual 404 permit was issued for the entire watershed restoration plan to be implemented over 20 years with trained federal, state, and local municipalities to continue implementing the watershed master plan.

Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS)

Used WARSSS to quantify sediment loading by location and process to direct the master restoration plan.

BEFORE RESTORATION: Trail Creek before restoration showing an entrenched F4 stream type

AFTER RESTORATION: Trail Creek two years post-restoration showing a step-pool B4 stream type

BEFORE RESTORATION: Trail Creek before restoration showing an aggrading reach looking upstream from a sediment-buried box culvert (6.0 ft deep)

AFTER RESTORATION: Trail Creek two year post-restoration showing a step-pool stream

BEFORE RESTORATION: Trail Creek before restoration showing road and stream crossing

AFTER RESTORATION: Trail Creek two year post-restoration showing relocation

BEFORE RESTORATION: Pre-restoration condition of alluvial fan with entrenched stream system that routed sediment directly to Trail Creek

AFTER RESTORATION: Restored alluvial fan function with multiple sediment debris basins and braided channel to store sediment on the fan surface before entering Trail Creek

Wildland Hydrology Inc.
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