Waldo Canyon Fire: Watershed Master Restoration Plan, Colorado, 2012 – 2014

Assessed the 52 mi2 watershed affected by Waldo Canyon Wildfire to determine high priority locations with accelerated sediment yields to provide restoration recommendations. Also developed a master plan for watershed restoration and sediment reduction based on the assessment and implemented portions of the plan; trained federal, state, and local municipalities to implement the master plan. Coordinated with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte, Colorado Springs Utilities, and the City of Colorado Springs.

Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS)

Used WARSSS to quantify sediment loading by location and process to direct the master restoration plan.

Constructed debris basin in enlarged gully on North Douglas Creek to reconnect fan and fill gully
North Douglas Creek prior to restoration showing active alluvial fan with gully.

BEFORE RESTORATION: North Douglas Creek prior to restoration showing active alluvial fan with gully.

AFTER RESTORATION: Constructed debris basin in enlarged gully on North Douglas Creek to reconnect fan and fill gully.

North Douglas Creek following the first flows that filled the debris basin with sediment and created the desired braided channel on the fan surface

North Douglas Creek following the first flows that filled the debris basin with sediment and created the desired braided channel on the fan surface.

Wildland Hydrology Inc.
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